The Prehistoric Potters of Jomon

Nearly 15000 years ago, long before the invention of the potters wheel, beautiful pottery was being coil-built by the women of Japan. They were called the Jomon people. Jomon literally means “cord markings” with which most of the pottery pieces were decorated.

The Jomon people had developed a very significant hunting – gathering culture, were in fear of no large-scale invasions due to island living and had built small communities of only 10 to 12 families. It was a very peaceful life that enabled them to develop their artistic skills. From this was born the Jomon pottery.

The pots created by the Jomon women may have been started as an imitation of the reed baskets used at that time. Earliest pots had pointed bottoms. It is felt that they were pushed into the soft soil to stabilize them while cooking. Others were soon made with flat bottoms and straight sides making them more efficient for storage of foods as well as for cooking. This pottery was very decorated, primarily by pressing cord into the soft clay before firing. The pots were twisted on the lip of the vessel, embellished with clay pieces, adorned with shells or other objects and generally displayed the joyful playfulness of the potter.

The pottery was then fired in a bonfire reaching about 900 degrees centigrade. In the middle of this period, pottery became even more lavish and also included small sculptures. At the end of the period, however, the pots produced were less decorative and, perhaps, created more with function in mind. It is indeed a reminder that pottery is not just functional as well as beautiful but can be an expression of who one is – and how one experiences life.
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