Dinosaur egg cups for youth


Recordsdata from https://www.claycraft.co.uk/initiatives/dinosaur-egg-cups-for-youth/

What better skill to get the youth to eat their eggs than attend them in dinosaur egg cups – who might perhaps maybe withstand?

You are going to need:

Clay – earthenware or stoneware, ideally white for straight forward decorating

Wood instruments and ribs for neatening

Underglaze colours for surface decoration

Brushes and sponges for utility of underglaze

Transparent glaze to fit clay form

Earlier than you beginning:

Spy for some easy photos of dinosaurs – that you just might salvage them without problems on the online, and silhouettes are moral on story of the form isn’t complicated by part. You’d like steering for the form extra than the leisure at the early stage of making.

It’ll support to tag some easy drawings on your sketchbook to determine how the detailing might perhaps maybe work once the basic form’s established. It’s miles continually worthwhile to story suggestions in this implies – they’re handiest for you, so that they don’t want to be amazing drawings.

Rep 55-60g (2oz) of clay exact into a ball and residence it in one hand, then press down into the centre with a dishonest thumb until you might perhaps maybe additionally feel some stress on your palm.

Birth as a lot as pinch out the wall of the cup between finger and thumb, working in little steps around the form to develop obvious that an excellent thickness. Proceed to pinch until the cup is natty ample to preserve an egg with a chunk of wiggle room to allow for shrinkage in firing.

Faucet the rim of the cup on the work surface to stage it up as unparalleled as that that you just might perhaps additionally bring to mind, then construct off with a surform. Don’t be troubled about neatening it further at this stage – the crucial part is for it to be stage.

Roll a instant length of coil 4-5cm long and 2cm thick.

Push a instant length of 5mm dowel by the centre of the coil and out the choice destroy. That that you just might perhaps utilize a pencil whilst you don’t enjoy a dowel.

Keeping the ends of the dowel, roll it over the work surface to elongate the hole of the coil and form a tube.

Decide the dowel from the tube, then the utilize of the edge of a ruler, press into the clay to divide the tube into two and offers the impact of legs.

Repeat on the choice aspect of the tube.

Take a look at the cup on the legs to declare the height is moral. If the legs are too long, lower them the total contrivance down to an exact height – the carried out cup shouldn’t be too high on story of it might perhaps maybe be onerous for a child to attain, and extra height equals instability.


Pinch a little ball of clay between your fingers and thumbs to form a slab 5mm thick.


Lower a disc from the slab the utilize of a cookie cutter in a suitably natty dimension to accommodate the legs with area around them. It wishes to be a sturdy infamous.


Sit down the legs centrally on the disc and sign the residence with a pin.


Decide the legs and get the tip that might keep to the infamous, plus the exact residence on the disc.


Neaten around the join with a wooden tool.


Be pleased the toes for the dinosaur by rolling very instant lengths of thin coil to some degree at one destroy, as proven.


Very fastidiously get the ends of the toes and fix three onto the infamous of every leg with a dab of poke.

Bend the ends over the edge of the infamous a small bit for a claw-like construct.

Neaten around every portion with a wooden tool.


Sit down the cup stage on the legs, sign the underside residence with a pin, then get and poke the linked positions and fix the cup in residence.


Flip the cup upside down and toughen the join with a coil of soppy clay.

Blend the coil onto the physique and legs, then neaten up with a rib.


Roll a 3cm-thick coil to a cone form – narrower at one destroy, as proven.


Push the dowel (or a pencil) by the centre of the cone to within 5mm of the tip, then roll the stout destroy over the work surface to elongate the hole and hole the cone.


Right here is the tail, so residence it within the support of the cup (opposite aspect to the toes) to salvage out it’s the moral length. Lower it down if it’s too long, then sign its residence on the cup with a pin.


Accumulate and poke the adjoining positions and fix the tail in residence.

Toughen around the join with a skinny coil of soppy clay, then blend it in along with your finger or an exact tool.


Now pinch a little ball of clay to form the fundamental section of the dinosaur physique into the form proven.


Repair the physique onto the entrance destroy of the cup as you did with other aspects, after scoring and slipping.

Again, toughen the join with a coil of soppy clay and blend it in nicely.


Keeping the egg cup in one hand, fastidiously lengthen the leg line, support and entrance, as a lot as the physique, the utilize of an exact tool.


From a final ball of clay (an exact dimension for the head), fastidiously pinch the form you procedure shut to enjoy. That that you just might perhaps handiest be ready to utilize your small finger to initiate out the centre of this portion, nonetheless that you just might utilize an exact tool whilst you see it easier.


Repair the head onto the physique as you did with other aspects, then toughen and neaten the join with a wooden tool.


Rep the eyes from two diminutive balls of clay and fix them in residence with a dab of poke.


Roll two diminutive, thin coils of clay as a hood for every sight, as proven, then blend them onto the head at the upper edges handiest.


Be pleased some nostril holes to allow for the originate of air from the head when firing, then entice the mouth line with a pin.


Refine the rim of the cup, the utilize of a rib to lower it to an excellent thickness with rounded edges.


Roll two extra instant lengths of coil to form the fingers.

Lower the hand destroy of the fingers into fingers and pinch the upper destroy of the coil a small bit to develop them easier to fix onto the physique.


Repair the fingers in residence as you did with the choice aspects, then blend them onto the physique along with your thumb.


Be pleased two holes within the underside of the infamous to allow for the damage out of air from the legs in firing. Repeat in any other areas like the tail and physique that are self-contained.



Weigh out two 55-60g (2oz) amounts of clay and form them into balls.

Pinch every ball exact into a conical form with equal dimensions at the rim so that they are going to fit together.


Accumulate and poke the rims of the two sections, then join them together, retaining them in residence for about a seconds to develop obvious that an ethical seal.


Roll a coil of soppy clay and blend it over the join with a finger, then neaten up with a rib to purchase away the lumps and bumps and any extra clay.


Be pleased a hole in one destroy of the physique, then roam the outside with a wooden spatula to refine the form.

Lag the outlet up over again whilst you enjoy the form you procedure shut to enjoy.


Roll a coil about 20mm thick and 6cm long, to form the neck and head.

Model one destroy of the coil to the form of head it is advisable always have.


Now hole the neck the utilize of a suitably fashioned tool, dowel or pencil. Push the tool by the clay and wiggle it until the hole is natty ample to factual get a finger inside. Pinch the neck from this level until you’re joyful with the form.


Insist the neck on the physique and sign the residence with a pin.


Accumulate and poke the adjoining positions, then fix the neck in residence. Toughen around the join with a coil of soppy clay and blend it in with a thumb.


Now form the tail following steps 19 – 20 of skill 1, then fix it onto the physique following the same contrivance broken-down for joining your total outdated aspects.

Toughen the join as earlier than.


Roll a length of coil 10mm thick and lower it into four equal lengths to form the legs. Don’t develop them too long – 3cm is extra than ample.


Connect the legs to the underside of the dinosaur after scoring and slipping the linked positions.

Toughen around the join of every leg with a skinny coil of clay and blend them in nicely with an exact tool.


Rep and keep the eyes within the same skill as for the fundamental dinosaur, attaching a skinny coil of clay over the destroy and blending it onto the head along the upper aspect handiest.

When the eyes are carried out, entice the mouth line and form two nostrils with a pin, as earlier than.


Now pinch the exact egg cup from one more 57g of clay – over again following the skill proven for the fundamental dinosaur.


As soon as pinched, sit the cup upside down on the support of the dinosaur and sign the residence with a pin.


Lower out the outlet for the cup from the support of the dinosaur.

Take a look at that the cup will fit within the hole. If no longer, shave away a chunk of further clay from around the outlet until it fits snugly.


Accumulate and poke the within of the lower edge on the dinosaur and outer/upper edge of the cup.

Repair the cup in residence, urgent it to the edge of the physique at the rim for a derive fit.

Toughen around the join with a skinny coil of soppy clay.


Neaten up the join with a rib, including the inner surface of the cup.


Now surform the rim of the cup until it’s stage, then soft over the edge along with your finger to soften and spherical it off.

Be pleased a hole within the physique in a discreet residence to allow for the originate of air in firing.


Enable the egg cups to dry out slowly earlier than bisque firing.



Paint your first sequence of underglaze color over the total physique surface of the fundamental dinosaur, warding off the inner of the egg cup. Repeat, to practice as many coats as instructed by the producer for moral block color.


Using an initiate-textured, pure sponge, practice a gentle 2d color of underglaze to distinction with the infamous color. Don’t quilt the total surface, aim for a speckled carry out with the infamous color exhibiting by.


Observe highlighting particulars with a brush and one more underglaze color. Paint within the mouth line, eyes and any other surface part you procedure shut to must add. You can additionally utilize as many extra colours as required.


Decorate the 2d eggcup within the same skill, the utilize of a definite location of underglaze colours.


Enable the underglaze colours to dry thoroughly earlier than making utilize of a transparent glaze, then fireplace the eggcups to the clay’s optimal temperature.

These egg cups were fabricated from white earthenware clay. The velvet underglazes were blended from several colours to construct the infamous shades.

Bisque-fired to cone 04 (1060°C,1940°F) and glaze-fired to cone 05 (1046°C, 1915°F).

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