Experts often agree that each generation often faces newer and different challenges to the generation who end up teaching them. This often shows in the way we educate in the classroom. We are in the 21st Century, and students can be more tech savvy as the decision makers, who decide on the curriculum they learn. This may pose a learning gap in the classroom.
When a teacher faces a class of students, who have been raised with computers, and have established an internet presence- it may not be enough to expect them to learn through using a traditional textbook.
This simple fact may have eluded many educators that often source the internet for materials themselves, but deny their own tech savvy students to openly source information related to the subjects they are studying.
Sourcing information is a valuable 21st Century learning technique, as it teaches students to find information, whilst using an “established” textbook as a core guide- a Textbook that may be out of date, in this fast moving information age.
Awakening student curiosity, and opening up their World are two very important factors in a 21st Century Education. This can be achieved by allowing students to source information, as they also use the textbook.
Critics say that this may bring problems as often textbooks could be opinionated about certain subjects, such as History, Social Studies and Environmental Studies. And the information on the internet, could contradict what is stated as a “truth” in the textbook.
However, Educators have to admit, that even the “facts” we learnt at school could be obsolete, if a theory is proven wrong, or historic events change our prospective from one generation to another. So students could be coached into openly evaluating the contradictions they expose.
The current generation growing up, and being educated is the first generation born into the internet age. A generation that openly use on-line social networking tools, game online, and even create their own blogs.
Ignoring the internet as a valuable sourcing tool, could be detrimental to a students development in this global era of communications. But it has to be monitored and taught in a way, students can question and evaluate sourced information, without becoming confused.
(This article is part of the Authors 21st Century Education Series)—A-21st-Century-Learning-Technique&id=3222843 by Mark W. Medley